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We The People: Responsible for Tomorrow

Is the keyboard mightier than the Government? I hope to hell it is!

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Location: Tennessee

Although public relations has historically been considered a practice used to fool more of the people than your competition does, I think PR can be used to promote ethical reform in media, business, government and society, as well as in protecting our Constitutional rights from being whored out by the turn of a phrase. I got my degree in public relations to use the power and practices of PR and communications to promote a return to honesty in our everyday interactions. Whether between spouses or nations is irrelevant. My ideas and methods are unique, creative and sometimes even radical. I'm a communicator and a writer. At pickumber-writes I'll write about things I think need to be discussed, debated and possibly changed. As a collective society, if we aren't communicating, we aren't going to make it.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

As patriots and loyal Americans, it's our responsibility to pay attention and notice when things are not right with our society. With the recent Independence Day celebrations, I had to stop and ask myself, "what are people celebrating?

Sure, July 4th is the anniversary of the day that our founding fathers officially declared independence as a nation from Great Britain. Does anyone recall why that was such a big deal? Well, if I remember my learning correctly, a bunch of brave folks from the mother land were fed up with unfair taxation, forced religious beliefs and the inability to speak up when they thought things were wrong got on little rickety ships to get away from the form government they felt was wrong. They endured illness, storms, and hunger to travel to an unknown land and an unknown future. They really seemed to want a little freedom.

They landed on shores inhabited by natives that appeared somewhat frightening and barbaric. They dealt with hunger and disease and destitution. They then fought armies that were much more organized and better financed than themselves. They came up against almost insurmountable odds and were labeled as traitors who would be executed if caught. Still they had a goal in mind. Freedom, the pursuit of happiness and individual rights were some of the things that these men and women would rather die for than live without.

Their passionate persistence was eventually rewarded when they declared their independence. They could now live as they chose. They could worship Gods of their choosing in any manner they chose. They could defend their homes and families, they could speak out when they disagreed with the elected authorities, and they could read and write whatever they wanted. That's what they had fought so hard for and now it was theirs. Yes! They had reason to celebrate.

It's 2005 now, just 229 years after that battle for liberty was won. The nation that was formed grew to be the most powerful, admired and respected nation in the world. The success of our form of government can be attributed to guidelines outlined by The U.S. Constitution as written by the men who fought to make it reality.

Have Americans as a society forgotten what the original rules were. Doesn't anyone notice their disappearance when they're stolen in bits and pieces. We have become alarmingly similar to the Orwellian citizens of the Animal Farm. We were led into blind faith that our Government would watch out for us. The words of the Declaration of Independence, The United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, have slowly been alterered and misinterpreted, much like the writing on the end of the barn in Orwell's classic. Many of our society have forgotten what the rules were that laid the ground work for a successful nation and gave us reason to celebrate independence.

Recently, our President and his administration seem to be forcing their values on not only we the people, but on the people of other nations as well. In the name of delivering democracy and freedom to the rest of the world, our government uses strong arm tactics to persuade nations to see things our way. If other nations resist the bullying, they are quick to be labeled terrorist sympathizers and crazed dictatorships.

Political deals and good ol' boy loyalty have made the voices of half our nation silent. The supreme law in the land is held hostage by partisan loyalties and corporate back-scratching, while the very legislators that make the laws that keep us civilized are breaking laws to keep themselves wealthy and powerful.

Our government leaders and propaganda distributors tell us whatever it is the pollsters say will earn the support of the public. Once it's revealed as untrue, it's too late. The damage has been done and the reasons are blamed on faulty intelligence or unidentified sources. Speaking of unidentified sources, which are essential to a free press, reporter's are being forced to reveal thier confidential sources or go to jail. That ought to put a cork in the unbiased, free-flowing information channels of journalism.

Federal Regulators changed the rules so that the privileged and affluent of the world can monopolize the airwaves and influence the news and information that is released to the public. Corporate America knows that knowledge is power and control what is worthy of broadcast to the masses. Our constitutional rights to privacy and due process are being stripped in the name of defending us from terrorism. The Supreme Court has just approved law that will allow the government to take your home through eminent domain if they feel it would be beneficial to local economies or land developers.

Although the American government and legal system was founded by men who repeatedly referred to and trusted in God, His commandments of living right are not allowed in the same buildings where law is taught, created, interpreted and enforced.

Are these indications of a nation that enjoys life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Are we free from religious persecution and do we have access to a press that is free from government influence? Are we totally free to discuss what we believe is wrong with the system and organize efforts to change it? Does the American legal system even come close to seeing all men as being equal and offer justice for all?

Independence, freedom, liberty, equality and loyalty are good, strong sounding words. And the people who shape public opinion and advise our leaders which words to use to evoke the desired response from the public, refer to them often. But words without action will eventually become words with no meaning.

While we celebrate our independence each July 4th, we should ask ourselves what independence means to us. To me, this country has forgotten what we should be celebrating and just accepts the consistent erosion of the rights that formed the foundation of our nation. And we the people, who were given the right to assemble and dissent and speak out to effect change, are fearful of political, social and professional consequences if we do, and therefore have no right to celebrate. By being complacent and apathetic, we've allowed our hard won independence to be stolen.


Blogger Archimedes Trajano said...

You can always try. So far its not quite illegal yet. Though I heard on the news that some reporter recently got jailed for withholding her source.

Anyway good luck with that.

July 07, 2005 11:47 PM  

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